
Selection of work boots in food factories and cleaning and drying of work boots

Work Shoes are an indispensable part of a food factory, so how should you choose shoes for different workshops?

1. For example, in aquatic product processing workshops, slaughterhouses, canning processing enterprises, etc., a large amount of water is used in the production process, and employees often wear high boots. When entering the workshop, they need to pass through a boot disinfection pool.

2. The second is a workshop that uses a small amount of water. The boots can be slightly lowered. When entering the workshop, you pass through a disinfection mat to disinfect the bottom of the shoes.
For the sake of food hygiene and safety, factories must actively prevent pathogens from entering the workshop and spreading , and avoid the possibility of cross-contamination during the food production process. One of the reasons
for this is that the internal logistics movement of some food workshops is realized by the movement of people, so the problem of cross-contamination of footwear has become more prominent and should not be ignored.
Bomeida’s boot washing machine can solve this problem very well. According to needs, it can also be equipped with hand washing, hand disinfection, hand drying and boot upper cleaning. Its functional points are : intelligent control, reducing Cross-infection and contamination caused by human contact with non-food items, and standardizing personnel cleaning and disinfection operation procedures. It not only allows users to adjust the cleaning process according to the degree of dirt, but also minimizes energy consumption and has significant cleaning effects. Suitable for all kinds of labor Intensive food
enterprise services, fast personnel passing through, high hygiene and .cleanliness.
The daily management of work boots is also very important. Casual shoes and work shoes in the food workshop locker room should be placed separately to reduce the occurrence of cross-contamination. 
Bomeida Smart Drying Water Boot Rack has an air outlet on each boot pole, which can be blown through the built-in fan to speed up the removal of moisture in the water boots and avoid bacterial growth. The multi-function controller realizes grouped timing drying and can heat the water boots in advance, making them warmer during use.
Bomeida Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in food factory cleaning and disinfection equipment, one-stop solution to your concerns!

Post time: Nov-29-2023